
Fire Sprinkler Servicing & Testing Requirements

Fire Sprinkler Servicing Requirements Fire Sprinkler systems installed in accordance with BS9251:2021 are designed and installed as a measure for the protection of life in the event of a fire. Ensuring that the sprinkler system is maintained and fit for purpose when needed to detect and protect against fire 24...

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Upgrade to Water Mist System at Grosvenor Gardens, London

Re-fit of Water Mist System at Grosvenor Gardens, London When installing a fire sprinkler system in an office space, Ultrasafe give consideration to the material the building is made from, the layout of the building and to the occupants. This helps determine how many fire sprinkler heads will be needed...

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What are the British Standards for Sprinkler Systems?

There are two British Standards for sprinkler systems in operation: BS 9251:2021 – Sprinkler Systems for Residential and Domestic Occupancies. (formerly BS 9251: 2014) BS EN 12845:2004 – Fixed Fire Fighting Systems. Automatic Sprinkler Systems. Design, Installation and Maintenance.  If you would like to read more about BS 9251 or read more about the product requirements for...

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What is a domestic property and a residential property with regard to fire sprinkler regulations?

Domestic or Residential Property? A domestic property in BS 9251:2005 is defined as dwelling that has no more than one family unit. This could be a house, individual flats and maisonettes. BS 9251:2005 requires that a sprinkler system must be designed to ensure that two sprinkler heads can be fed by...

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BS9251:2014 has landed

After many months of review BS9251:2014, is released and is in effect as of the 31st October 2014. This is the British Standard that gives recommendations for the design, installation, components, water supplies and backflow protection, commissioning, maintenance and testing of domestic and residential fire sprinkler systems. BS9251:2014 supersedes BS 9251:2005, which is...

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Fire Sprinkler Specialists

Southern Office

Ultrasafe, Unit 1, Bowling Corner, Marley Ln, Battle, UK, TN33 0RE

Northern Office

U2 Farriers Court, Horsefair Green, Thorne, Doncaster, South Yorkshire, UK, DN8 5EE

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